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My name is Jonathan Harn. I'm 28 years old from Odessa, Texas. I grew up in a small farm community in central Illinois and lived there until moving to Texas last summer.


I had always known that I was curious about men but I had never acted on my feelings due to the fact of living in an area where being gay wasn't widely accepted.


At the age of 25 I finally took the leap and explored. I was still very private in fear of being outed if anyone found out. After I started my new life in Texas I began to really explore the gay community and what it had to offer.  I met a great friend and partner down here that helped me to come out of my shell and realize that I needed to live my life for me, not for someone else.  I needed to be who I wanted to be.  It is because of him that I had the courage to come out to my family. Sadly he passed away from a heart attack before I was able to tell my family. I want to help to encourage everyone to live their lives and not be afraid of being outed for being gay.


Life is precious and too short to hide. Ever since I came out I have not had a single negative experience when I tell people. Its a truly amazing feeling to be who you really are.

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